Optical Ground Wire

LTC ADSS  |  LTC Fig 8
Construction 2-layer constructions 3-layer constructions
1 Stainless Steel Tube 1 x 2.7 mm 3 x 2.7 mm 1 x 2.7 mm
2 Max. fibre count 24 72 24
3 ACS17 centre wire 2.8 mm 2.8 mm 2.8 mm
4 ACS peripheral wires 5 x 2.7 mm 3 x 2.7 mm 5 x 2.7 mm
5 AA18 peripheral wires 12 x 2.7 mm 10 x 3.5 mm 12 x 2.7 mm +
16 x 3.1 mm
Temperature Range Transport and storage Installation In use
-40 °C to +80 °C -10°C to +50 °C -40 °C to +80 °C
Mechanical Properties Units 2-layer constructions 3-layer constructions
Type of OPGW   24B1-105
Outer diameter mm 13.6 15.2 15.2 19.8
Mass kg/km 440 516 472 774
Min. bend radius Static mm 340 380 380 500
Dynamic mm 210 230 230 300
Rated tensile strength kN 63.6 73 58.4 100.9
Max allowed tensile strength kN 25.44 29.2 23.36 40.36
Every day stress kN 15.9 18.25 14.6 25.23
Installation tension kN 6.36 11 8.76 20.18
Cross sectional area mm2 103.5 131 119.5 224.2
Coefficient of linear expansion 10-6/°C 17.4 18.3 19.3 17.38
Modulus of elasticity GPa 101 94.4 88 101
Short current capacity kA2.s 100.2 166.2 143.2 513.8
Short current (1s, 20°C to 200°C) kA 142 18.23 11.96 22.66
DC resistance Ω/km 0.407 0.305 0.318 0.165